Many members are currently receiving JobKeeper payments under the original JobKeeper scheme which finishes on September 27.
We encourage all members, whether you are currently receiving JobKeeper payments or not, to check your eligibility for JobKeeper 2.0, which commences on September 28.
Below are some key dates and actions for your.
Key Changes to Job Keeper
The Government has extended the JobKeeper payments for businesses by a further six months (to March 2021), however, there are some key changes in JobKeeper 2.0
- Some employers become ineligible while others will receive less.
- Some employers who were NOT eligible for JobKeeper 1.0 might be eligible for JobKeeper 2.0.
- Some employees might become eligible for JobKeeper that weren’t before.
What did NOT change?
- Nothing changes until after September 28, however, there are tasks that should be undertaken now
- The employer MUST still pay the employee before claiming the JobKeeper subsidy (it is a reimbursement)
- New businesses established since March 1, 2020 will NOT be eligible for JobKeeper 2.0
Key Dates
- Get your accounts up to date so that you can check your eligibility as soon as possible after September 30.
- Identify any new employees who commenced between 1 March 2020 and 1 July 2020
- Check which employees are working over (or under) 20 hours per week in the 4 weeks before 1 March 2020 or 1 July 2020
- Let staff know if your business qualifies for JobKeeper 2.0. Here are some email template that may help.
October 1 – 14
Before you pay the JobKeeper topup payment in October
- Assess the Actual GST Turnover for the September Quarter and assess any Decline in Turnover (see Action Items below)
January 1 – 14
Before you pay the JobKeeper topup payment in January
- Assess the Actual GST Turnover for the December Quarter and assess any Decline in Turnover (see Action Items below)
Action Items
Check Eligibility
Actual GST turnover for the 3 months ended 30 September will determine eligibility to receive JobKeeper 2.0 for the period October 2020 through to December 2020.
Actual GST turnover for the 3 months ended 31 December will determine eligibility to receive JobKeeper 2.0 for the period January 2021 through to March 2021.
The decline test is a QUARTERLY test of actual turnover compared to the same quarter last year
Businesses that have not been in business for 12 months, may have access to ‘alternative tests’. Treasury are yet to announce these details.
Which Employees?
- Employees currently receiving JobKeeper will continue to receive JK support for the Fortnights ending 27th September.
- New Full Time or Part Time employees who commenced between 1 March 2020 and 1 July 2020 are now be eligible for JobKeeper payments.
- Casuals with regular and systematic shifts, who achieved 12 months employment between 1 March 2020 and 1 July 2020 are eligible as of August 3, 2020.
- Employees will cease receiving JobKeeper if the employer is no longer eligible after 27th September.
How Much JobKeeper?
Employees (or Business Owners) who work 20 hours or more per week:
Employees or eligible business owners working 20 hours or more per week on average, in the four weeks of pay periods before 1 March 2020 or 1 July 2020
- $1500 per fortnight continues until the fortnight ended 27 September, then
- $1200 per fortnight until 3rd January 2021, then
- $1000 per fortnight until 28 March 2021, then
- Unknown – currently it would stop.
Employees (or Business Owners) who work less than 20 hours per week:
Employees and eligible business owners who work less than 20 hours per week in the 4 weeks before 1 March 2020 or 1 July 2020
- $1500 per fortnight continues until the Fortnight ended 27 September, then
- $750 per fortnight until 3rd January 2021, then
- $650 per fortnight until 28 March 2021, then
- Unknown – currently it would stop
- Eligible Business Partners who were not actively engaged for 20 hours will drop to the lower rate.
- Employers will ‘nominate’ which payment rate they are claiming for each employee or Eligible Business Partner.
- There will be ‘alternate tests’ to assess hours where hours worked in February 2020 were not “usual”.
Additional Information
These email templates can be used to provide advice to staff about your business’ JobKeeper eligibility.
This factsheet from the ATO provides more detailed information on JobKeeper 2.0
If in doubt get advice
The eligibility tests for staff and employees are complicated and the goal posts are still moving.
If in doubt check with your Accountant or if you don’t have one try contacting one of these chamber members who may be able to help you out.
Prepared By
This factsheet was prepared by:
Scott Elsom
Treasurer – Maroochydore Chamber of Commerce