Local Business Groups Encouraged to Agitate for Funding as State Election Looms

“Now is the time to advocate for major investment in our region.”

That was the key message from Sunshine Coast Council Head of Economic Development, Chris Le Serve at the recent Maroochydore Chamber of Commerce event which was hosted by Yield Advisory in front of more than 100 guests on the A1 building rooftop in the Maroochydore CBD.

Mr Le Serve presented both the Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS) update and the four key projects that Sunshine Coast Council and business community propose will play a large role in underpinning the economic growth targets which have been established for the region.

The four key projects, totalling an investment request of $41.7m, are Food and Agribusiness Turbine Project, a CBD based Sunshine Coast Innovation Hub and University of the Sunshine Coast Innovation Centre upgrade, a Commercialisation Hub for the advancement of manufacturing, and a commitment to the NEO Project bringing an immersive reality digital creation precinct to the region leveraging the subsea cable and further cementing the region as a digital haven for business attraction.

“We are calling on the business community including all of the local Chamber of Commerce branches to come together to create a strong and powerful voice to both State and Federal Governments.”

“The collaboration amongst the business community to shape priorities has been impressive and there is a strong focus on innovation and growing opportunities from within the region. As one of Australia’s fastest growing regions, there is a compelling case for appropriate investment into the prioritised economic development initiatives. The four innovation pillars we are seeking funding for will create hundreds of jobs in well-paying and diversified industry sectors.”

“We are encouraging businesses to read the “2024 State Election Priorities for the Sunshine Coast Region” and to engage with Ministers, Shadow Minister and local members to help emphasize the need for appropriate state support while we are in the window of an election.”

“There are numerous examples across Queensland where other regions have attracted significant state investment into economic development initiatives. It is not inconceivable that we would be able to achieve all of our ask with a strong and clear message backed by an aligned business community.”

Maroochydore Chamber President, Brendan Bathersby, echoed Mr Le Serve’s call to action and strongly encouraged all in attendance to play a role in advocating for this investment, particularly throughout the current election period.


“With regards to major infrastructure projects, the Sunshine Coast has been neglected by both political colours for more than thirty years, particularly in comparison to what other regions receive. With 2032 fast approaching, now is our time to agitate for our share of much needed funding and that is our message to our members as well as other local Chambers and business groups,” he said.