Member Update
We are pleased to see another quarter showing growth in our membership which can be attributed to two key forces. Firstly, the wonderful work of our administration team and membership committee who are working hard behind the scenes to facilitate purposeful connections. Secondly, our dedicated Members who are also putting in the hard yards by attending and engaging with each other in a way that is creating immense value beyond our Monthly Events and our Coffee + Connect catchups.
We recognize not all members can attend every event so we have brought back our Membership Mondays!! These short format videos are designed to capture member’s stories so they can be viewed by other members at their convenience. These videos are available on our Members Facebook group. If you would like your story told please feel free to shoot us an email
Networking isn’t always natural or easy and the thought of small talk can be daunting for some. This quarter we tried to remove some of that anxiety by holding a Blatant networking event that cut out the small talk. At this event members were encouraged to do their homework and utilise our membership directory to research and make contact with relevant people and professions prior to the event. During the event some brave members stepped up on stage and blatantly announce who they were looking for a connection with. During the night attendees then actively tried to source these targets from people in the room and from their own networks. There were many positive comments during the event and we are still receiving encouraging feedback about ongoing connections.
Not all members join for networking and connections and instead value the collective voice of our membership to bring light to relevant issues for Maroochydore Businesses. This quarter our committee attended several events as representatives of our membership. During this period CCIQ Policy meetings were held and we put forth issues such as; heavy rail, labour & skills shortage and housing and livability in an effort to help amplify these issues. We are committed to representing our members issues so please remember to contact us to discuss your specific concerns, ideas and/or thoughts.
Updating your membership profile can significantly help your business’s SEO, so for this month we have a special offer for renewals. For those who sign up before the 31st of July we will waive the enhance profile fee of $69. We are continuously looking for ways to improve and grow our network so please feel free to reach out and communicate what specific areas of your membership you would like to enhance.
Welcome to our new members:

and welcome back to those that have recently renewed: