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Home /Maroochy Member Mail – June 2023
June traditionally means the start of winter, tax time and another Queensland victory in the State of Origin series. All three have come to fruition again this year and I hope you’ve enjoyed the latter as much as I did. With the first six months of the year done and dusted we look forward…
Maroochy Member Mail – March 2023
It’s around this time of the year we comment on how quickly the year has flown by, can you believe March is all but done and Easter is upon us? This year the Chamber is working hard to provide great value to its members through events and advocacy work. The Chamber has already hosted…
ChamberCast with the President & Pep
Maroochydore Chamber of Commerce are launching something very exciting! ChamberCast with the President and Pep. That’s our President Brendan Bathersby and his offsider Peppi Bueti. It’s a dedicated monthly Podcast of what’s happening in and around Maroochydore along with a very special guest each month. Launching the last week of every month with an impressive…